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It was not the reflective quality of Silver that first attracted me to the subject rather the tools that sat in the workshops, patinated with time and use that first caught my eye. Silversmithing & Goldsmithing has a long history of serving, decorating domestic and ceremonial occasions with splendid forms whilst behind the scenes the subject has also fostered and kindled a rich culture of making and working with metal. It was these skills that first drew me to Silversmithing and into the workshop. Each technique is an introduction to a new chapter. Exploring the potential of new tools and processes to reveal the qualities of the materials to which, they are applied, has always held a deep fascination for me. It is precisely at this point, where the hand through the tool meets the surface of the material that original design thinking happens. Where all preconceived ideas evaporate and we begin to see intuitively through the tips of the fingers.




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